Solo Piano II is the third appearance of the French pianist Patrick Scheyder
on Leo Records, the previous two being with Evan Parker
(CD LR 326)
and Lauren Newton
(CD LR 347).
Patrick says that while recording this CD in the splendid Dominican nave, he
could hear a continuous song during two one-hour concerts. When he was
selecting the pieces for the CD he wanted to preserve the continuity of that
song, with all its wanderings and adventures. "This record is a story I have
set my heart on telling you, a yarn, maybe."
I recorded this CD in two sessions, like two one-hour concerts. I had my
eyes closed and was concerned only with letting the sound speak, letting it
breathe. I was not really alone: the splendid acoustic of the Dominican nave
and sounds from outside were also playing with me. While all this was going
on I could hear a continuous song within me, in the essentially rhythmic
moments too.
When I selected the pieces for this CD I wanted to preserve the continuity
of that song, with all its wanderings and adventures. This record is a story
I have set my heart on telling you, a yarn, maybe.
J'ai enregistr� ce CD en deux sessions, comme deux concerts d'une heure
chacun. J'avais les yeux ferm�s et ne me pr�occupais que de laisser parler
le son et ses respirations. Je n'�tais pas tellement seul: la splendide
acoustique de la nef des Dominicains et les sons ext�rieurs jouaient aussi
avec moi. Pendant ce temps j'entendais un chant continu en moi, y compris
dans les moments essentiellement rythmiques.
Quand j'ai fait le choix des pi�ces pour le CD j'ai voulu garder cette
continuit� du chant avec aussi ses p�rip�ties, ses aventures. Ce disque est
une histoire que j'ai coeur de vous raconter. Peut-�tre est-ce un conte...